Swing by this charming yet intriguing store on the Downtown Walking Mall and discover a unique collection of artisan-crafted items from around the world. You can find a wide selection of handcrafted gifts and souvenirs from over 130 artisan groups from 38 different countries.
Ten Thousand Villages on the Downtown Mall is a fair-trade retailer of handmade and unique items. They have a diverse selection of goods, which includes home decor, kitchen and outdoor items, gifts, and bath and spa accessories. Here you can find one-of-a-kind earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. There is a cache of uncommon trinkets and treasures in which to decorate your home or patio.
As one of the world’s oldest and largest fair-trade organizations, Ten Thousand Villages provides a platform for artisans to receive fair wages for their work, while consumers can enjoy access to the remarkable products they create. Visit today for a truly one-of-a-kind shopping experience!